Islamiat Paper - 2015
Solved MCQs
Solved MCQs
1. The literal meaning of “Wahi” is?
Peghaam Ponhchana (To deliver message)
2. Who did compilation of Quran in the era of Hazrat Abu Bakar Siddique (R.A)?
Hazrat Zaid bin Thabit (R.A)
3. What is Sahihain?
Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhari
4. Slatul Istasqa is the prayer for?
5. Masjid Nimrah is located in?
Arafat, Makkah
6. Sermon of Hajj is delivered in ?
Masjid Nimrah
7. What are WUD , SUA, YAGHOOS, YAU’Q, NASR ?
Animals of Hazrat Sulaiman (A.S)
8. Last Ghazwa of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was?
9. Four Sacred months of Hijri Calendar are?
Dhil Qaad, Dhil Hajj, Muharram and Rajab
10. Hadith-e-Taqriri means?
Something done by Companion in front of The Holy Prophet(P.BU.H), which he neither displeased nor prohibited
11. “ Fal Yaboodu “ means ?
They should worship (Surah Quraish)
12. “An-Nafsaat” means?
Women who blow (Surah Falaq)
13. Jadul Anbia is the name given to which Prophet?
Hazrat Ibrahim A.S.
14. Amin ul Ummat is the name given to which Sahabi?
Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Bin Jarrah (R.A)
15. “Fee- Jeedahaa” means? Around her neck (Surah Lahab)
16. Banu Thaqeef was located in?
17. The Holy Book bestowed upon Hazrat Essa (A.S)?
Injeel (Option in paper was None of These as Injeel was not mentioned in options)
18. Jang-e- Yammah was fought against ? and in the reign of?
Battle against Musailma Kazaab in the reign of Abu Bakr R.A
19. Surah Ghafiroon is the second name of which Surah ?
Surah Mumin
20. Which wives Hazrat Muhammad (P.B.U.H) fathered offspring?
Hazrat Khadija R.A
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